Easy enough, I was looking for a name and this one came to me. I didn’t want it to be my name because that iss easy and I am honestly not a fan of my name. And I am gonna change my last name in a few months when I get married. So that was out of the question.
My sisters is Lifeat554. Her address. But she bought her home so its gonna be a permanent thing. I move around a lot and also plan on moving very soon, so I didn’t want it to be something else that is going to change.
HopeStrengthCourage. I like to live by Serenity Prayer, so this kind of reminds me of it. I think that without hope of any kind, we don’t really have anything. Everyday I hope for something, anything. Even strength or courage. I ask for the strength of wisdom, patience, love, hope. Courage because it is something that I never had before but I gained a few years ago. The courage to be the person that I want to be. The courage to be a better person. The courage to be a strong, independent woman and better than the person I was made to believe that I was.
I don't think that I chose this name, I think it chose me.
Love it, it's perfect!