I FINALLY like reading. It only took a quarter century of my life to get to the point where I enjoy it.
Currently, I am reading MockingJay which is the third book in the Hunger Game Series.
I know that I blogstalk a lot thanks to my sisters help. Its fun!! But I heard about this book from a pretty awesomespice blogger, then found out a lot of my friends were reading it or have read it.
I was looking for a book to take on a mini vacay. My sis said I had to read the Hunger Games. I was hooked right from the start. I am sad that this is the last of the series.
What will I read next?
I got a Nook for my birthday!
And a gift card for it! So I now have many more options available to me. This also helps me to love reading more & want to read.
I think the next one I am going to read is The Pact by Jodi Picoult. I heard she is a pretty good author so I am very much looking forward to this book. Another author that I want to check out is Sarah Dessen.
I usually always read Nicholas Sparks and James Patterson. However, because those are the only authors that I read, they all have similar backgrounds. I need a new change in authors and book styles.
So thanks to my Nook and my friends suggestions, I have so many options to chose from.
OMG you NEED to read all Sarah Dessen books!!! The Truth About Forever is my favorite!! ooh and Alison is reading the book Delirium or whatev that BBL suggested and LOVES it so far.. and Matched too. I am going to read that after MJ