This has taken me a long time to face. Now that I am over it, I can move on.
Dear Self Esteem Stealer:
It was something that I never thought twice about, like the air that I breathe.
There was a time that I thought you would never hurt me. Although you ever hit me, the blows with your words hurt much worse. And their scars were much deeper.
For years, you called me fat, dumb, stupid, and you walked all over me. I thought it was okay, I thought it was normal, and I thought you loved me.
When you left, you took my self esteem, my self confidence, and my self worth. I had nothing left.
Well guess what? I found it.
It may have took me some time. Some searching high and low. There was even a period of time that I pretended that I had it for so long, that people started to believe it, even me. I faked it til I made it!
When I did get it all back. It was much better than ever. And I found an amazing guy that builds me up every day. I surround myself with great friends and family that make me believe it too!!
You are still mean, and still try to tear people down. It isn't going to work with me. I am better than that. I am worth so much more. You cant bring me down.
K bye!
You should believe you're an amazing woman and mother! NO ONE should make you think otherwise...hope this letter helped heal you even more. I'm to have you as a friend for all these years.