Friday, April 24, 2015

Turning 33 And What I Have Learned Along The Way.

I have been dealing with the fact that I am turning 33. Many will argue this fact that but it is my own personal journey that is ahead as I get older. As I have taken the time to think about whom I want along with me in this journey and whom I would much rather leave behind, I have also thought of a few things that I have learned in my 33 years to get me where I am.

Time flies.
It doesnt matter what you do or how you try to slow it down, it is inevitable. For me it seems the more stuff I want to do, the less time there is available. Either that or more obstacles get in my way. Since we know time is fleeting, do what you want to do with whom you want to do it.
 Honesty.Be truthful to yourself, and just in general. Only expect honesty in return from everyone in your life. Don't expect any less. Start from the top and if people let you down, the next step is on you.
 Enjoy every moment.
Think about all the little things in life that your kids remember that you did with them, now wouldn’t you be a happier person if you had all your own little “life’s moments” to reflect on? Live in the moment and be present.
 Be Impulsive.
When you think of someone or something or if you want to do something. Just do it! Just go do it, before you forget, before you get tired, before someone takes you away from that thought. Whether it is a text, call, Facebook message, or even an emoji. Just do it. Don’t let more time go by before you let someone know that you were thinking of him or her.
 Don’t dwell. 
I try to do things that make my life, my kids’ lives, and my husbands life better. If something is on your mind and you cannot do anything about it. Move on. I have come to realize that no one is worth my time or effort if I am not equally worth it to him or her.  Do something about to make a change or move on before it eats you up inside. Don’t say you want to do it, set forth and go!
 Take less time.
What I mean by taking less time is, less time worrying, less time cleaning, less time arguing, fighting, being on your phone, watching tv. Spend less time doing the needless things that do not necessarily need to be done at that very moment, and spend time on the things you actually want to do. Or even better spend them with your spouse, your kid, or a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. The things that matter.
 It’s ok to say no.
You wont be the bad guy if you turn down a party, a night out, or whatever it is. If you feel like you are too busy, you probably are. Don’t complain about your life being too busy. You bring it upon yourself and then you complain about it. Just stop it already.
 You create what you put out there.
The people that speak the most nonsense about others are in fact displaying actual truths about themselves. When you project negative things that you claim to be about other people, it really just shows that you are talking about yourself. It also shows people the character you have. The people that try to portray themselves, as being “bigger and better” are the ones that create their own negativity or drama. Just own up to it. Quit playing the victim. But most importantly, Please, stay away from me.
 Be comfortable. 
With yourself. With your surroundings. Be happy. We all try to make ourselves better or healthier. It either takes control, or we give up. I would have a lot more time on my hands if I took a lot less time aiming towards perfection, and just living a healthy, active lifestyle. Set your goals and head toward them. Rewards make the journey that much more enjoyable.
 No one can make you feel a way that you do not want to feel. End of story.
 Try something new. One great thing about being married to this wonderful man, is the fact that he likes to take trips to new places. Without him I would have never been able to experience the things that I have.
 Throw yourself out there.
Meet new people. But make sure they are the right people. Step out of your shell.  To some it seems very hard, but now that im “in my 30’s” I have more of a “who cares” attitude. Its not high school, who cares what people think about you or what they have to say. My thoughts are, if they are talking about you, then clearly you are doing something right. To those I say, Keep Talkin’! Which leads me to the next one.
Take a look at your friends, or your contacts. Do you talk to all of them, see them, or hang out? Look at the top people on your texts. The people you communicate on the reg are clearly the ones that you want to keep in your life. On some level you know that you have those friends that might not be in it for the long haul. Maintaining friendships is so important. But it goes both ways. One person cannot push and push and get nothing in return. If you are pushing and not getting any pull, then those people are not your friends.
 I am absolutely certain there are a ton more things. This is just for now. Everyday I learn something new, whether it is about myself or just in life. All I know is that I live for God first, my husband/best friend, and my three boys. This list will continue to grow with each passing year. My 30’s will be the beginning of the best years of my life.
 So what if I am 33?
I’m going to make the best of what I am, because I was given the best of what there is.

Happy 33rd Birthday Me. My wish for you is to be happy.