Monday, April 4, 2011

The 1st pool day of the year.

This passed Saturday was the first day that we all got to enjoy the pool. We moved in at the end of last summer and only went swimming about ten times. So this year, I would say that we were just itching for the first day that it was hot enough to use that as an excuse. It finally got to 100 degrees out and we were ready to take advantage.

Of course i think we may have been too eager because in the middle of the afternoon right as we were
dipping in, the sun decided to play peek-a-boo with the clouds. It was not too bad, we all still got pretty tan for the most part. Well except the kids because they were covered from head to toe with sunblock!!

I hope there will be a many, many more days where the sun is shining and it is hot enough to jump right in.  It would be nice to enjoy more days like this before we move away. It was nice to have my sister come over and just hang out with us and the boys. I also liked that our "hang out by the pool" turned into an impromptu BBQ with some great friends and there awesome cute boys.

Remind me why I am moving again??
Anyways, here are a couple pics from our fun in the sun.


  1. Very cute!! That was always the best part of living in AZ as a kid...major pool time. :)

  2. It is pretty great having a pool for times like these. But you have the joy of beaches. Who wouldnt want that?
